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Plugin development

Note: plugin APIs is experimental and we welcome any feedback.

Earl Plugins can:

  • Attach new matchers to expect
  • Attach new validators to Exception class
  • Add new smartEq validation rules that are used internally to compare values

A plugin is an object conforming to the PluginConfig interface:

export interface PluginConfig {
  matchers?: Record<string, DynamicMatcher>
  validators?: Record<string, DynamicValidator<any>>
  smartEqRules?: ReadonlyArray<SmartEqRule>

export type DynamicValidator<T> = (
  this: Expectation<T>,
  ...args: any[]
) => void | Promise<void>
export type DynamicMatcher = (...args: any[]) => any // real type should be Matcher but can be cast to anything for improved DX
export type SmartEqRule = (
  actual: any,
  expected: any,
  strict: boolean,
) => SmartEqResult | undefined

This type and other necessities for plugin development are exposed in earljs/internal module.


Plugins should provide type information by tweaking earl's public interfaces but if you use TypeScript to develop your plugin it can be done automatically.


Released under the MIT License.